Box of 1000 biscuits for a biscuit joiner #20
A biscuit joiner is a woodworking tool used to join two pieces of woodtogether. In this case it would be used to join with the biscuit #20.
A biscuit joiner uses a small circular saw blade to cut a crescent-shaped holein the opposite edges of two pieces of wood or wood composite panels.
Anoval-shaped, highly-dried and compressed wooden biscuit (made from beech wood)is covered with glue, or glue is applied in the slot. The biscuit is immediatelyplaced in the slot, and the two boards are clamped together. The wet glueexpands the biscuit, further improving the bond.
The router bitCKP7004 is used with a router to join various woods. The supplied bearing isused to join withbiscuits #20.
All biscuits joiners have depth settings for stan-dard biscuit sizes. Thepreferred machine in this case is the 900WBJ02 biscuit joiner.